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Adult Faith and Formation – Becoming a Saint Sep 22, 2023

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Becoming a Saint

One of the key outcomes that the Adult Faith and Formation Ministry at OLR is charged with, is the development of a pathway of faith education and exploration that support people to become disciples and form a deeper relationship with God.


One element of this is the Alpha program, and another is, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, or RCIA. While the Rite of Christian Initiation is recognised within our community as the process of ‘becoming a Catholic’, it is much more than that, and the principles of the process apply to each one of us as we journey in faith.



‘Being Catholic’ is not just having received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Communion). It is understanding the deep love Jesus has for each of us personally, and having a desire to reciprocate that love through knowing Jesus more and more. The spiritual journey of adults is varied according to the many forms of God’s grace and the free cooperation of individuals. There are four steps in RCIA, and I wonder if we can take a moment to reflect on where you may be sitting as we consider our personal pathway to sainthood.


The first step is to reach the point of initial conversion (in RCIA terms- the pre-catechumenate), the second is to progress in faith and understanding (catechumenate). The third step (initiation), when the person is spiritually ready, is a time of purification and enlightenment, and the fourth step, is devoted to catechesis and or mystagogy.


The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines mystagogy as the initiation into the mystery of Christ (CCC 1075). It is a time for deepening the Christian experience, for moving from the visible to the invisible, from the sign to the thing signified, from the sacraments to the mysteries. It is a time for spiritual growth and for entering more fully into the life and unity of the community. It is moving from ‘going to Mass’ to being present fully, consciously and actively in the true mystery of the Eucharist, the most glorious gift from God we could ever imagine.


If you are ready for that next step, whichever one it is for you, consider joining one of our Faith and Formation initiatives – see the website for more information, or contact the Parish Office.


The Adult Faith and Formation (AFF) Ministry Team








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