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Worship Ministry Update Jan 12, 2024

Second Sunday In Ordinary Time
MINISTRY updates
MINISTRY updates

Worship Ministry

Part of beginning a New Year are the goals and new plans that we often make as we commence another lap around the sun.

One of the cleverest statements I have heard about the consideration of goals is “…don’t attempt to boil the ocean.”

My interpretation of this statement is that we should avoid trying to set overly huge goals. Goals that, while impressive and noteworthy, require such massive action and change that attempts usually fail.

I’m sure we’ve all tried at one point or another to begin a year with admirable goals that haven’t made it to the third week in January. With that in the backs of our minds the Worship Team gathered late last year and planned our goals for 2024; goals that we believe are realistic, life-giving and achievable.


Central to our goals was the following statement from our Parish Mission statement:
“We are a Eucharistic community which is attractive and we joyfully work to plant seeds so that all people discover a relationship with Jesus.”


The fact is, we are an attractive Eucharistic Community and I rarely, if ever, attend a Mass that is without joyful works. This year, our plans are to enhance the already wonderful works that make up this incredible parish.


Our goals are as follows:

1. To support our lectors by offering a program to further develop their skills in proclaiming the Good News.

2. To provide formation for those who serve in Music Ministry and to invite more people to share their musical gifts.

3. To explain the Mass. During the year, the priests will take a moment during Masses to briefly explain a part of the Mass and why we actually do it.

4. Establishing Listening/Focus Groups for each worshipping community. Providing means for each worshipping community to have a voice that is heard.

We are tremendously excited about the prospects of the year ahead and look forward to joining with you to joyfully plant seeds so that all people are invited to discover a relationship with Jesus.

God bless,

Paul, Worship Ministry Leader

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