Community Life Ministry
Our team consists of John, Elaine, Viv, Donna and Janice, we meet regularly and physically support our 11 different Mass communities with hospitality, welcome events and procedures.
Our Ministry’s three main focus areas for 2023 -2027 are:
1. Each congregation celebrates ‘belonging’ at weekend Masses. There has been excellent progress with recruiting more greeters at front doors for welcoming parishioners; Mass leaders reminding parishioners to greet each other before Mass starts; the number of name badges being proudly worn has rapidly grown too. We will continue to work towards supporting and increasing hospitality events to parishioners after all Masses. Sunday morning teas are definitely increasing and very well-attended.
2. We advocate unity across all the communities of Our Lady of the Rosary Parish. The Community Life Ministry team will offer support to each mass community to organise an annual event on their feast day & invite the whole parish, as occurred at Maleny’s 100th anniversary celebrations recently. We have already been attending different community meetings to offer support. As well, our many volunteers throughout the wider parish will be celebrated and thanked on National Volunteers Day.
3. All people who walk through our doors experience a spirit of welcome and belonging. We are discussing and planning more effective ways to welcome new parishioners and follow-up with information about OLR and all the many areas of support we offer. How can you help? More helpers are always needed to assist with events and hospitality. e.g. morning teas, Saturday night drinks; greeters need help; order and wear a name tag. Get involved and help organise your community’s feast day event and continue being warm and welcoming to all parishioners especially new parishioners or visitors! Offers of help can be sent to Janice at ch*******@bn*.au
Janice & the Community Life Team