Faith and Formation
Faith and Formation are continuing our theme of ‘Journey in Faith’ in 2024.
Each of us is in a different place on our own journey to God. Christ, however, wants us to travel in communion with each other as members of his Body, the Church. With that in mind, we have three streams to our Ministry:
1. Alpha
2. Know your Faith
3. Faith Circles
Our next Alpha course starts next Tuesday 30th April at 6pm at OLR. It is not too late to invite someone to this encounter with Jesus! Register via the QR code in this newsletter.
Please keep all participants and team members in your prayers as we move through this 8-week program.
Know your Faith
Fr Francis is taking the ‘Know Your Faith’ sessions on the road! These are small group faith formation opportunities on a variety of interesting topics on a monthly cycle – starting in May:
Wk 1 Landsborough Friday 9.30am (This Friday 3rd May)
Wk 2 OLR Thursday 5pm
Wk 3 Maleny Tuesday 9.30 am
Wk 4 OLR Thursday 5pm
Put the dates in your diaries now and join us as we Journey in Faith together! There is no need to RSVP, just come along.
Faith Circles
Faith Circles are small groups gathering for particular faith based purpose. Our vision is that each member of our
community is connected to one or more Faith Circles as we journey in faith. Our newest Faith Circles are catholic book clubs – being offered at Caloundra and Maleny. Our current book is He Leadeth Me by Fr Walter Ciszek SJ. This moving exploration of faith under the direst of circumstances is a must read.
It is not too late to join in, copies of the book are available at the Parish Office. Email
cp******************@bn*.au or register on our Linktree.
The Faith and Formation team – Fr Francis, Luke MacMillan, Julie Borger, Carol Devcich,
Caroline Kettle & Beth Davies.