Community Life
Community Life ministry team continue to support all churches/mass centre communities throughout the OLR parish by supporting and facilitating experiences of welcome, belonging and “connection and participation” to create “a vibrant parish” and communities.
Thanks to the many parishioners around the parish who have supported and volunteered to help with our endeavours! We are making steady progress.
Hospitality: Many hospitality events have occurred, setting up social events for our parishioners i.e. “cuppas”, wine & cheese, brunch etc after weekend masses, serving refreshments after funerals, and special days (Harmony Day; Volunteers Day). Recently, Kawana celebrated their feast day with great gusto.
Greeters at every weekend masses have been vital in creating a feeling of welcome and “belonging”.
Mass Leaders play a vital role in creating a warm and inclusive atmosphere before the mass starts, especially as they encourage parishioners to introduce each other.
Name Badges are helping break down the barriers to creating a “vibrant community”. Forty new name tags have been ordered so far this year with more orders coming into the parish office.
78 Extraordinary Ministers (communion to the sick) across the whole of the parish to an average of 745 parishioners monthly in aged care or house bound.
Future plans for Community Life Ministry team support: Mother’s Day-special hospitality events after each Caloundra mass – May 11 & 12; Landsborough 70th Anniversary breakfast—May 26th; Maleny will celebrate their feast day on June 2; setting up procedures to register and welcome new parishioners and compiling and publishing a booklet detailing parish details.
BUT we could achieve much, much more with many more offers of help in any of the areas listed above. Please contact cp**************@bn*.au
The Community Life team: John, Viv, Elaine, Donna & Janice.