Children and Families
Sacramental Program – Confirmation and First Holy Communion
This year, we have 64 candidates preparing in great anticipation and excitement for their Sacrament of Confirmation this coming Friday, 7 June. Please keep these children and their families in your prayers. The Sacrament of Reconciliation & Holy Communion for students in Year 4 and above will commence next term with a Parent Info session on Tuesday 16 July.
Enrolments are open now.
This year, we have 64 candidates preparing in great anticipation and excitement for their Sacrament of Confirmation this coming Friday, 7 June. Please keep these children and their families in your prayers. The Sacrament of Reconciliation & Holy Communion for students in Year 4 and above will commence next term with a Parent Info session on Tuesday 16 July.
Enrolments are open now.
Children’s Liturgy
Children’s Liturgy during the Sunday 9:30am OLR Mass is going well. We are pleased to have about 20 children in attendance every week. If you have any primary school aged kids and grandkids, they are most welcome to come along.
Children’s Liturgy during the Sunday 9:30am OLR Mass is going well. We are pleased to have about 20 children in attendance every week. If you have any primary school aged kids and grandkids, they are most welcome to come along.
Helpers Needed!
We love facilitating Children’s liturgy each week and we are growing our team of leaders and supervisors. If you’re able to assist, even if it’s once a month, we would love to hear from you. Please contact the Parish Office and we will be in touch.
We love facilitating Children’s liturgy each week and we are growing our team of leaders and supervisors. If you’re able to assist, even if it’s once a month, we would love to hear from you. Please contact the Parish Office and we will be in touch.
Survey on Children and Families
The Children & Families Team from Evangelisation Brisbane have put together a survey for families in the Archdiocese to gather information for the upcoming
Archdiocesan Synod. If you have school aged children, please consider completing the survey as it helps us understand what we are doing well and where we can better assist young families as a Church. Survey link can be found here:
The Children & Families Team from Evangelisation Brisbane have put together a survey for families in the Archdiocese to gather information for the upcoming
Archdiocesan Synod. If you have school aged children, please consider completing the survey as it helps us understand what we are doing well and where we can better assist young families as a Church. Survey link can be found here:
Blessings, Julie and Fr Gerard | Children & Families
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