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Parish News Sep 15, 2023

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Whole-of-Parish Event: Our Lady of the Rosary Feast Day 


Our Lady of the Rosary Feast Day celebrations (Saturday 7 October) will start at 4.00pm with a Rosary Procession from the school oval, followed by 5.00pm Mass in the OLR church.

Join us afterwards for pizza/chicken kebabs and sausage sizzle with celebratory cake.

All parishioners and friends from all Mass communities are very welcome to this whole-of-parish celebration.

This is a great opportunity for all of us to celebrate unity in our Parish and connect with fellow parishioners from all 8 Mass Centres. The aim is to build a stronger community, create a “vibrant parish” and have fun celebrating!!

We invite a member from each Mass community to lead the rosary. Holy Cross funerals will be supporting the afternoon celebrations.

Further ideas or suggestions are welcome and can be forwarded to the parish office via email [email protected] 



Alpha is starting again 


6 October at OLR Parish Centre

Please email [email protected] for further information and registration. Who will you invite?




white cross on brown wall

All are invited to join our young adults for an hour of Adoration on Wednesday 20 September at 6.30pm at OLR.

When Catholics say they are “going to Adoration,” they are typically referring to Eucharistic Adoration, which is the worship of the Eucharist outside of the Mass. The Eucharistic Host is displayed in a monstrance on the altar so that all can see, worship and pray in the presence of Christ. We’d love to see you there!



2024 Break Open the Word, Ordos, & Daily Mass Books are ready to order.

Orders & payment for these liturgical Resources must be in to the Parish Office by Wednesday 4 October 2023.

‘Break Open the Word’ $22 contains Sunday readings.
All readers are encouraged to purchase this book which is vital for your ministry preparation.

The ‘Ordo’ $15 is used for liturgy planning & contains references to the readings for each day of the year, and other information.

The ‘Daily Mass Book’ $20 contains the Mass texts for Sunday & Weekday Mass, including references for the readings.

You can put money in an envelope with your name/phone number and order in the basket at Mass or come into the Parish office.

Payment must be made before we can order.


Kingdom Youth Group

Youth group nights have concluded for the term, and so I wanted to update the community on how we have been travelling.

This year we have been journeying with the theme “Jesus, Transform Me,” looking at how we can be transformed into the people God calls us to be if we invest in a relationship with Him. Our topics have included how this relationship with Jesus can transform us heart, mind, and soul – to love others first, to think and act with Christian values, and to drawer closer to Jesus in prayer. We then looked at our relationships with others – how to forgive, to love others as we want to be loved, and to love even through hardship. Finally, we looked at prayer – to the Saints for examples and how to pray for the vulnerable. We ended the term with Adoration, an encounter that some students experienced for the very first time. Some even wished the time was longer! We feel so blessed to see such fruit and are excited to offer this again soon.

Thank you so much for your continuous support and prayers for this ministry.

If you have any questions about sending your high schoolers along, please contact Felicity via email.


Ignite Conference & Commissioning mass

Next week, we head off to Ignite Conference as a group of 28 students and 14 young adults, joined by some from Maroochydore and Nambour. We will be commissioned by Fr Francis this evening at the 5.00pm Unity Mass. We are looking forward to coming back to our parish with new experiences of encounter and are excited to share them with you. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us in any capacity, whether that be financially, through kind words of encouragement, or prayer. We are so grateful and will be praying for you throughout the conference.



Sacramental Program for Teenagers

We will be offering the RCIT (Rite of Christian Initiation for Teenagers) Program throughout Term 4. This is for students in Years 7 – 12 who are looking to receive the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion. The program will run for six weeks on Fridays after school at Unity College and is a great opportunity for teens to journey through this process with their peers. This is a call for expressions of interest. Please contact Felicity if you would like further information via email: [email protected]



Thank you for your generosity in giving, service and love. Generosity is one of our parish’s primary values.


Grief & Loss Talk

The Moving Moments program is hosting a presentation by Aurilea Augustine on Grief & Loss. Aurilea has been assisting people in dealing with grief for 11 years. On Tuesday 19th September 10.00am at the Caloundra Community Centre
Please RSVP to Angela on 0447 429 729.


Morning Tea at OLR church

brown clay pots on brown wooden table

Morning tea will be offered after 9.30am Mass on Sunday, 17 September, as well as 24 September at Caloundra. All welcome!!!

Morning tea will now be offered after 9:30am Masses on the 1st, 3rd and 4th weekends.

We would love to have volunteers to cover the 2nd and occasional 5th Sundays. Anyone keen to be involved in this ministry of hospitality, please notify the parish and we’ll help you find a team of helpers. Simplicity is the key so “Bring a packet” could be an idea. Hospitality is a vital core of our parish vision and very valuable in building community and support.







In Transition

We welcome Franklin Hickey, Malekai Davidson, Marco Dibattista, Emma Wallace & Harvey Simpson who will be baptised at OLR Caloundra & OLW Landsborough this weekend.

We pray for the souls of our loved ones who have gone before us, and the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace.



You are cordially invited to attend the Ecumenical Men’s Dinner 

Date & Time:

Wednesday 27 September 2023 ~ 6:00 for 6:30pm start


St Andrew’s Anglican Church Hall.    46 Upper Gay Terrace, Caloundra 4551


$20.00 includes Drinks & Nibbles, Main Course, Dessert & Tea/Coffee.

For more information: please get in touch with Donald Rolls




Grandparents Day – Postponed


Our Lady of the Rosary Caloundra would like to extend an invitation to all Grandparents to attend a workshop giving support & ideas for passing on Faith to children & grandchildren. Presented by Evangelisation Brisbane this short workshop is Designed to give easy ways to engage Children & Grandchildren in conversations about God, Faith & Prayer. The event scheduled for Tuesday 26th September after 9.00am mass in the church has been postponed.

To register please go to Eventbrite  by Sunday 24 September.

Our Local Safeguarding Officer:  Judy Moir  0421 873 060

Or Brisbane Safeguarding 07 3324 3752



Containers for Change

Are you saving your can/bottles?

Please use the Parish Scheme ID C11072500 by adding the Parish scheme ID in the containers for change mobile App, so that much-needed funds can be directed to parish initiatives.

For more information, refer to our website





Consecrated to Jesus through Mary – in Spanish 

You’re invited to a series of talks & prayers at Stella Maris Catholic Parish starting on the 25 September.

Pope John Paul II’s papal motto was Totus Tuus. It is a shortened version of the phrase:
‘Totus tuus ego sum et omnia mea tua sunt’ ~ ‘I am all yours, and all that is mine is yours’.

Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebration

In this 150th year of the Cathedral of St Stephen, Archbishop Mark Coleridge invites couples together with family and friends, to the annual GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS

11:30am Mass on Saturday, 30 September 2023 followed by refreshments on the Cathedral grounds.

Other couples married at the Cathedral or Chapel, are also invited to attend with family and friends to celebrate 150 years of weddings at the Cathedral.
If you have photos or stories to share of your wedding at the Cathedral, please email David Todd  or phone David on 07 3324 3030 by 1 September 2023
To register to attend the Mass and for catering purposes please RSVP by email or phone 07 3324 3030 by Friday 22nd September 2023.



For more enquiries: Please ring Cristina on 0408 808 992 or complete this expression of interest form.


















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