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Reflection: Celebrating Our Young and Ministering to Them Apr 19, 2024

Fourth Sunday of Easter
Fr Francis
Fr Francis

Celebrating Our Young and Ministering to Them

Christianity celebrates the young (and young-at-heart!), as much as it does the old. I think of the countless young ones who have contributed to the life of faith, some of whom were named in the Pope’s exhortation to young people, Christus Vivit. From the bible, he named: Joseph, Gideon, David, Samuel, Solomon, Ruth. (I think here of Timothy too). Some saints Pope Francis names are: St. Sebastian, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Joan of Arc, St Dominic Savio, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati (St. Francis Xavier I would also add!). The Church gifts faith to its young, and the young make a gift of faith back to it. What gift are you making of your faith to our young?


The younger members of the church – our children and families will be the focus of this weekend’s preaching series. By now you will know that Frs. Josh, Gerard and I are preaching a series looking at the different ministry areas of our parish through the lens of the parish values which we as a parish decided on when embarking on our strategic plan.


It is our hope that if you are not already involved in a ministry, you will help in bringing our children and families to encounter the person of Jesus Christ.It is our hope, that you will do these things through the OLR values of Christ-centred, joyful, relationship-centred, courageous, generous, and authentic. These values do not require qualifications, degrees or oratory.


To the extent that we get involved in a ministry area and exercise these values, our Christian voice and those of our children can join with St. Peter in today’s first reading in saying: “Rulers of the people, and elders!… This is the only name by which we can be saved!”. Which ministry is the Holy Spirit stirring you to join? If you have children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews; you are already exercising some of the values above. Can you open up your gifts to benefit all the children and families who pass through our parish?

See you in the week!

Fr Francis

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