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Parish News Mar 29, 2024

Easter Sunday
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A Warm Welcome

Welcome to everyone joining us today! Whether you are travelling from across the street, up the Bruce Highway or roving around the country. Thank you for choosing to be part of our celebration of Christ’s Resurrection.
We hope you feel at home in this parish!

Upcoming Liturgical Workshops

Following a successful Lector’s Workshop held at OLR, the Worship Team has planned to provide further opportunities following Easter, for parishioners to be involved and to participate actively in the Mass. The lector’s workshops are aimed at depthing the skills and mindset of all existing lectors as well as those wishing to join. It is our vision for workshops to be a part of the rhythm of life of this parish, since no one workshop can cover every facet of proclaiming God’s Word. Your involvement will enrich you and your worshipping community!

So come along! All sessions will be in the Church following Mass. Scheduled dates are:
Beerwah 6 April – after 5pm Mass
Maleny 7 April – after 9am Mass
Landsborough 14 April – after 7am Mass
Kawana 28th April—after 8am Mass in the Good Shepherd Centre
Unity 8am & 5pm 28 April – at 3:30pm – before the Evening Mass
OLR 4 May – after 5.00pm Mass
OLR 5 May – a single session will be held at 8am in the OLR church for 6.30am & 9.30am lectors



Praying with the Liturgy – A Liturgical Retreat

For all involved in preparing & celebrating liturgy, readers, communion ministers, music ministers, liturgy committee members… and all who gather for worship.

You are invited to a half-day retreat from 9am-12.30pm on Saturday 20th April at Holy Spirit Seminary, Banyo. There is a small cost, which the parish will cover, and which includes morning tea. The retreat will offer liturgy-focused input, experience and reflection and is presented by Fr Tom Elich & Sr Jill O’Brien. If you would like to attend this retreat experience please call the parish office, 5430 9390, 9am-1pm, Mon-Fri, to express your interest and whether you are able to car pool.


Misa Mensual en Espanol

To all our Spanish speaking parishioners and friends – Once a month at St Mary’s church, King Street, Buderim there will be Mass celebrated in Spanish. The next Mass will be at 6pm on Saturday, April 13th – please tell your friends!

A todos nuestros feligreses y amigos de habla hispana: una vez al mes en la iglesia de St Mary, King Street Buderim, celebramos misa en español.
La próxima misa será a las 6 p. m. el sábado 13 de abril. ¡Únase a nosotros y cuéntele a sus amigos!

For your diary, Mass will be celebrated in Spanish every second Saturday of the month – for further details please contact Patricia 0480 304 643. Please tell your Spanish speaking friends. Gracias

Introducing our Newest Staff Member: Beth Davies, Mission Coordinator

I am Beth Davies and I am excited to be taking on the Coordinator of Mission role in the parish. I look forward to beginning my journey with Our Lady of the Rosary Parish next weekend for the Easter Ceremonies. While many of you don’t know me, I have been calling Caloundra my home away from home since I was a teenager, as my family would come for a yearly break in
the area. I worshipped in the old church and remember the tragedy of the fire that claimed that building. I also remember having Mass outside when the new church was still in construction. In the last few years, on my own holidays, OLR Parish has been a welcoming community to engage with, and a beautiful place to encounter Jesus. Now I find myself in the blessed position to call this parish and this town home.

I am born and bred in Brisbane and I have been active supporting and volunteering in Youth Ministry; engaging with those new to faith; and facilitating welcoming environments for worship and fellowship in Brisbane. Until this time, I have participated in the Mass at Emmanuel City Mission and draw life and strength from the joy and the challenge of worshipping alongside people from a diverse range of backgrounds. I am passionate about seeing people fully alive in their faith and embracing the ‘more’ that the Father has for us all, every single day. I
look forward to meeting many of you and learning about your vibrant and engaging community.

Beth Davies


Wanted Please

If anyone has any pyx, bibles or prayer books that they no longer require, could please donate them to the Parish.
These will then be distributed by Pastoral Carers for people in their homes and nursing homes.


OLR Inaugural Book Club

Save the date for the OLR inaugural Book Club on Thursday, April 18th at 5-6pm in the Parish Centre.

Ensure you have your copy of “He Leadeth Me” by Father Csizek, either by purchasing your own or borrowing one of the limited copies available here by March 23rd.

Let’s gather to dive into the first two chapters and launch the club discussions.

Sign up using the OLR Linktree found at the What’s New section on our church website.


Parish Music Mass and Meeting

All those who are currently involved or would like to be involved in playing or singing at Mass are invited to a 9am Mass and Discussion at OLR church on Saturday, 6th April. This Mass, during the Octave of Easter when we celebrate eight Easter Sundays in a row, will have a full music roster, led by the 6.30am Mass choir. The aim of this Mass is to offer music ministers an opportunity to be nourished without having to serve.

Afterward – and this is the secondary, but co-equally important, reason for gathering – we’ll move to the Egan Room for an opportunity for every single person to both share and listen. You will be invited to share your current experiences serving in this ministry, as well as hopes for the future – particularly with regards to the ways in which God is inviting us to grow in this ministry.

It is obvious that we need to be intentional about the future of music liturgy in our parish – evidenced by the dwindling number of musicians alone – and so lets begin the journey with a listening and dialogue session for all current and future volunteers of this vital ministry.
We’ll see your smiling faces on Saturday, 6th April, for 9am Mass at OLR church.


Encounter Catholic Kids

Our Parish is offering a one-day holiday program for Primary Schoolers in Prep to Year 6 on Friday 12 April.
The day will be held in the Parish Centre (Egan Room) from 9am-3pm with supervision available from 8:30am – 5pm.

Cost is $25 for one child, $40 for two children; 3rd child and any after are free.

Scan the QR code or visit for more information.


150th Anniversary of the Cathedral of St Stephen

As part of the celebrations for the 150th Anniversary of the Cathedral of St Stephen, on the weekend of 10/11 May 2024, the Queensland Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Umberto Clerici will perform Mass in C minor by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in the Cathedral. There are three different shows and tickets are available from the QSO website:


A Year of Invitation

My Lord and my God, you never cease to invite me to know, love and follow your Son, Jesus.

Give me the grace and courage to be a channel of your love so that my “yes” to you becomes an invitation to others.

  I offer up my entire self – heart, mind and will – to your purpose for me. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Term 2 Confirmation

All baptised children from grade 3 or older are welcome to celebrate their Confirmation in Term 2.

The program starts on 23rd April at 5-6pm in the OLR Church, and runs for 7 weeks with the Confirmation ceremony on Friday 7 June.

You will need to attend all sessions to be able to celebrate the sacrament. Stella Maris Parish, Maroochydore, is running the same program a day apart so you are welcome to attend there or here.

To register please visit our website

Complete the registration form signed by both parents and attach a copy of your child’s baptism certificate. Please note you will have to do it from your computer, as mobile phones don’t work. For any questions please contact the Parish office on ca*******@bn*.au


Safeguarding News

The Safeguarding Commitment for the Archdiocese of Brisbane and Caloundra Catholic Parish is: Zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and strives to safeguard all who interact with its ministries & services. Special priority is given to the safety & wellbeing of children & adults at risk. In an emergency, please call the Police on 000 or information can be provided to STOPline anonymously.

Phone: 1300 304 550 Email: AO*@st******.au

Our Local Safeguarding Officer
Judy Moir – ls***********@bn*.au mb.0421 873 060
Or Brisbane 07 3324 3752


On the Journey

low-angle photo of lightened candles

We welcome Amber, Carlos & Edgar, who will be baptised and/or confirmed at OLR this weekend.

May the souls of our departed loved ones and deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace.














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