The Presentation of the Lord
Other Releases
News From The Presentation of the Lord
Front-Page Reflection
Understanding Our Catholic Identity How do you understand your identity as a Catholic? If you knew the answer, how would you articulate it to someone who asked? Given the opportunity, you or I might choose to reply, “I am a beloved child of God.” This may very well be something we believe in faith, but…
Ministry Update
Service and Outreach On Thursday afternoon 23rd January some of our team joined the Unity College Teachers at their Inservice Day for a session entitled The Blessing of Social Justice at Unity College. We started in the lecture hall and learnt the history of the community cooking that we do with the students each term.…
Parish News
Named Badges To the generous benefactor who has kindly donated funds for the next 100 badges, a very big thank you. We welcome everyone to order a FREE badge if you haven’t already got one. We would love to see everyone wearing a badge for ease of communication while interacting with each other. Please email…
Parish Diary
Liturgies This Week in Our Parish Monday 3rd Feb 9.00am Mass Our Lady of the Rosary, Caloundra. 9:30am Adoration Our Lady of the Rosary, Caloundra. Tuesday 4th Feb 9.00am Mass Our Lady of the Rosary, Caloundra 9:30am Rosary Our Lady of the Rosary, Caloundra Wednesday 5th Feb 9.30am Mass Our Lady of the Southern…