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Ministry Update Jan 31, 2025

The Presentation of the Lord

Service and Outreach

On Thursday afternoon 23rd January some of our team joined the Unity College Teachers at their Inservice Day for a session entitled The Blessing of Social Justice at Unity College. We started in the lecture hall and learnt the history of the community cooking that we do with the students each term.

Marianna from St Vincent de Paul explained that it originated from a need for some of the students attending the college. Initially it was just the teachers and tuckshop convenor doing the cooking, the classroom teachers would alert the principal when a family was in need. Covid changed this situation as the students weren’t attending school and people couldn’t gather in large groups to cook.

Verity, who at the time was a year 12 student at the college and is now a teacher there, explained the drive thru system that the school used during that time. An email would be sent to the school detailing the number of family members and any known food allergies. A family representative would then arrive at the front of the school to collect the requested frozen meals.

Ros from our Parish Ministry team then explained how this has now evolved to the cooking that we now do with the Uniting church ladies, and the students. Nutritious meals are frozen and shared between Unity College and our Parish. Last year we were able to distribute over 800 meals to the needy. It is a wonderful ecumenical and intergenerational opportunity for us to be the hands of Christ.

Later in the afternoon we broke into groups with all the teachers involved and cooked over 200 meals. Most of these meals with sufficient quantities reserved to provide meals that evening at Happy Valley in liaison with the Share a Meal group. The food was very well received by the many homeless who attend this gathering every Thursday evening.

Share a Meal was instigated and coordinated by parishioners Dawn Wilson and Pat Kinghorn to provide hot, home-cooked meals every Thursday night from 2001 to 2017. Thanks to their inspiration, Share a Meal continues every Thursday night to be a haven for the homeless, lonely and disadvantaged. Some parishioners are still involved cooking and serving.

If you know anyone in need of a meal or if you would like to be part of the volunteer team for the community cooking please contact Trish Harding email cp*******************@bn*.au

Have a great week, Service & Outreach team—Trish, Roslyn, Mary, David & Bob


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