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Ministry Update Jan 24, 2025

Third Sunday In Ordinary Time

New Formation Challenges & Opportunities in 2025

Our Parish is in the midst of a shift. This time of adjustment calls us all to begin to take hold of the ways we can support the ongoing discipleship and spiritual growth of those in the pews next to us and even to look outward to those who want to come into the church but do not know how.

In recent weeks the Faith and Formation team have recognised that the emerging challenges also offer opportunities to foster deeper engagement in formation and fellowship activities for a greater number of parishioners.  Many of us may not be aware that hosting a spiritual reading book club, bible study or even assisting and journeying with someone seeking to be initiated into the church (RCIA) do not require diplomas and degrees: all that is needed is a desire to learn and walk alongside someone and the time to do so.  The silent question I can hear hanging in the air is ….how many RCIA candidates do we really have?  While we may only have a few right now, this number will grow as we continue to run Alpha throughout the parish.  What better time to build a team of passionate people who are willing to open the door for someone else to join God’s family.

It is a privilege that God invites us to embrace our call to be a “vibrant community that actively accompanies people to encounter Jesus”.  In answering this call, we experience, not only, the joy of stepping out, but also the growth, learning and new connection with others that are created in the process.

If you feel a tug on your heart to be involved in RCIA, Formation or want to find out more contact the parish office by phone or email and I would be happy to have a conversation with you.

Beth – for Faith and Formation Team 

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