Vision for Leadership in Our Parish
Dear Parishioners,
Over the last few years, I have been collecting a treasure trove of sayings, principles, and axioms about leadership in a parish context and the spiritual life. One of my favourites for the spiritual life is, “If the only prayer you ever said was ‘Thank you,’ it would be enough” (Meister Eckhart, d. 1328). Another, which most certainly applies to leadership in a parish context, is: “Without vision, there is often division.” It reminds me of Proverbs 29:18, which says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Without a clear destination, people are often doomed to wander aimlessly. In this time of change and opportunity, we are called to express gratitude for all those who have faithfully served, some for a lifetime, while also looking ahead with a shared vision and faith that God is continually inviting us into newness of life.
My Vision for Our Parish
I envision our parish as a place where people become saints. My dream is that, as we make space for the Holy Spirit to move freely in our hearts, the wider community will see our parish as a place where people are loved like they’ve never been loved before. We make visible the face of Jesus because each person’s relationship with Christ creates an overflow of love that is caught and experienced by others.
Ours is a parish where locals and travellers meet, where all feel welcome, and where people of all cultures and ages experience inclusion. We actively accompany those who ask, seek, and knock — and even those who don’t. Relationships matter to us, and when people enter our churches, they experience real support, belonging, and celebration of their gifts.
We are a Eucharistic community that is joyful, vibrant, and committed to planting seeds so that all people can encounter Jesus. This is a place where people feel seen and valued, where they want to belong, and where the unique beauty of the Sunshine Coast is captured in our community life. We do all of this because we are part of a loving, universal Catholic Church and are united as participants in the communion of saints.
A parishioner recently shared this reflection, which beautifully captures our vision:
“It is so encouraging to experience how our small group is willing to meet and grow together. We are now more open to share our thoughts and beliefs. We are not alone anymore on this journey. To understand that we are the church and are responsible for encouraging others to find and get closer to God is transformative. Just going to church on Sunday is not enough anymore. It is a two-way relationship with God. We need to reach out to others.”
Six Leadership Teams: Serving Our Parish
To bring this vision to life, we will be focusing on two key initiatives as we look forward. The first is the development of leadership teams for each of our six Mass Times – leadership teams which reflect the 6 ministry areas in our parish. Please note that I would not expect our 2 Retirement Mass Centres – Currimundi and Little Mountain – to implement these leadership teams. Note also that the role of the 6 existing Ministry Leadership Teams is to support each Mass Centre/Time (all 8) in their initiatives to carry out Our Mission to be a vibrant community that actively accompanies people to encounter Jesus. The 6 ministry areas are:
- Community Life: Leading social initiatives, including welcoming before Mass, post-Mass hospitality, and other activities to foster belonging to the Body of Christ.
- Worship: Overseeing all aspects of Sunday Mass worship at each Mass Centre.
- Faith & Formation: Promoting the development of a Christo-centric faith within each Mass Centre.
- Service & Outreach: Facilitating opportunities to love and serve those who may not be Catholic or practicing their faith; being the hands and feet of Jesus (Mt 25:40).
- Children & Families: Creating a welcoming environment where children and families encounter Jesus.
- Youth & Young Adults: Providing spaces for young people to explore a relationship with Jesus amidst peers.
As well as a 6-person leadership team for each Mass Time, I will be calling forth a lay Pastoral Leader in each of our 6 Mass Centres (Once again, I will not expect this at our retirement village communities). While effective operational leadership already takes place at each Mass, the conduit for unanimity of vision is gathering a leader from each Mass Centre around one table to discuss and plan how we will achieve the above vision in each community.
Introducing the Notre Dame Launch Team
The second key initiative is the formation of a Launch Team for the new 5pm Saturday Notre Dame Mass Centre. This new Mass Centre is an exciting opportunity to expand our mission and serve the community in new ways. The Launch Team will consist of 20-30 parishioners who will commit to worshiping at this Mass and engaging in fortnightly training (until the Mass is officially launched to school families at Easter). This training will include:
- Team Development
- Self-Leadership and Leadership
- Strengths and Personalities
- Exploring how the Notre Dame Mass Centre will function within the parish
- Developing apprentices and raising up new leaders
Come and See Evening: Be Part of the Notre Dame Launch Team
I invite all who feel called to discern their role in this exciting initiative to join us for a ‘Come and See’ evening:
- Date: Wednesday, 5th February
- Time: 5.30pm
- Location: Notre Dame College
- Details: The evening will include substantial canapés, drinks, and a chance to hear my vision for this new Mass Centre.
- RSVP: Registration is required and will be capped at 40 attendees. A registration link will be emailed next week.
Please note: This event is for those discerning a call to serve in the Launch Team. A general tour of the new school will be organized at the end of Term 1.
Closing Invitation
Friends, thank you for taking the time to reflect on this vision for our parish. I encourage you to prayerfully consider where God might be calling you to serve and grow in this exciting season. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or thoughts. Together, let’s embrace this opportunity to grow as a vibrant, welcoming community that brings others closer to Christ.
What You Need to Know:
- Lay Pastoral Leaders and Leadership Teams: Opportunities to lead and support each Mass Centre are developing.
- Notre Dame Launch Team: A chance to be part of something new and exciting.
- Come and See Evening: Wednesday, 5th February at Notre Dame College. RSVP required.
Peace and Blessings, Fr Josh.